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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-03-27
Page range: 139-144
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Reassignment of a junior synonym of Lepisosteus oculatus Winchell 1864 to L. platostomus Rafinesque 1820

Department of Biological Sciences; Museum of Natural Sciences; Louisiana State University
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Peabody Museum; Yale University
Department of Fisheries; Wildlife; & Conservation Biology; University of Minnesota
Department of Biological Sciences; Museum of Natural Sciences; Louisiana State University
taxonomy Lepisosteidae gars Suttkus Wiley extant genera Lepisosteus Atractosteus living species junior synonyms Lepisosteus oculatus Cylindrosteus latirostris Cylindrosteus productus Cylindrosteus agassizii Cylindrosteus zadockii Cylindrosteus bartonii Upper Mississippi River junior synonym L. platostomus type locality Muséum National dHistoire Naturelle Paris photographs Shortnose Gar Spotted Gar Christophe-Augustin Lamare-Picquot Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Missouri Minnesota Lepisosteus osseus diagnostic characters lateral line scale count




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