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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-28
Page range: 267-278
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Taxonomic review of the family Throscidae Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) in Korea, the description of a new species with new generic and species records

Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea. Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea.
Korea National Park Research Institute; Korea National Park Service; Wonju 26466; Republic of Korea.
Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea. Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea. Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; 92 box; No. 1 Beichen West Road; Chaoyang District; Beijing; 100101; People’s Republic of China.
Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea. Crop Protection Division; Department of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection; National Institute of Agricultural Sciences; Wanju 55365; Jeollabuk-do; Republic of Korea.
Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea. Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea.
Coleoptera Throscidae Aulonothroscus New species Korea


The family Throscidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) is taxonomically reviewed from Korea. To date, the taxonomic study on Throscidae from Korea is insufficient, as only a single species has been reported in the fauna prior to this study. We newly recognized three species belonging to the genus Aulonothroscus, which is recorded for the first time from Korea. A new species, Aulonothroscus koreanus sp. nov., is described and two additional species are reported as new to Korea: Aulonothroscus laticollis (Rybiński, 1897) and Aulonothroscus longulus (Weise, 1879), raising the total number of known species of Korea to four. Herein, we provide a key to genera and species, descriptions, and images of diagnostic morphological features of the Throscidae fauna of Korea.


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