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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-11
Page range: 64-86
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Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical skipper genus Incisus Grishin, 2019 (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Pyrginae), with the description of a new species

Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical; Departamento de Zoologia; Universidade Federal do Paraná; P.O. Box 19.020; 81.531-980 Curitiba; Paraná; Brazil
Departamento de Biologia Animal; Instituto de Biologia; Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical; Departamento de Zoologia; Universidade Federal do Paraná; P.O. Box 19.020; 81.531-980 Curitiba; Paraná; Brazil
Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical; Departamento de Zoologia; Universidade Federal do Paraná; P.O. Box 19.020; 81.531-980 Curitiba; Paraná; Brazil
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity; Florida Museum of Natural History; University of Florida; 3215 Hull Rd.; UF Cultural Plaza; PO Box 112710; Gainesville; FL; 32611-2710; USA
Lepidoptera Brazil butterfly Carcharodini cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 Staphylus


The taxonomy of the genus Incisus Grishin, 2019 is reviewed, including redescriptions of known species, the description of a new species, Incisus mineirus sp. nov., identification keys, and an updated distribution map. Images of the genitalia for each species are included, with the female genitalia being illustrated for the first time. A lectotype and paralectotype for Antigonus incisus Mabille, 1878, and neotypes for Staphylus ordinarius Hayward, 1933 and Nisoniades aterea Plötz, 1884, are designated. Staphylus ordinarius Hayward, 1933 is a syn. nov. of Incisus fasciatus (Hayward, 1933). Antigonus variegatus Mabille, 1878 is a syn. nov. of Nisoniades macarius Herrich-Schäffer, 1870, and Staphylus dentivittata Hayward, 1933 is a syn. nov. of Staphylus musculus (Burmeister, 1875). Additionally, the subgeneric name Stolla Grishin, 2023 is a syn. nov. of Uniphylus Lemes, Siewert, Mielke, Casagrande & Warren, 2023.


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