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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-15
Page range: 433-440
Abstract views: 165
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On the identity of the enigmatic millipede genus Inodesmus Cook, 1896 (Polydesmida: Haplodesmidae)

Museo de Historia Natural; Universidad Pedagógica Nacional; Bogotá; Colombia
Semillero de Investigación en Diversidad Funcional y Servicios Ecosistémicos - Grupo de Estudios Ambientales; Universidad del Cauca; Popayán; Colombia
Myriapoda Diplopoda Jamaica Agathodesmus synonymy redescription


The identity of Inodesmus Cook, 1896 and its single species, Inodesmus jamaicensis Cook, 1896, has been a mystery for decades. This species was described from a Jamaican cave but not only did the repository of the type material remain unknown, but also the types were believed to be lost. Here we redescribe the species and designate a lectotype and a paralectotype from the newly found type material. The genus Agathodesmus Silvestri, 1910 from Australia and New Caledonia is presented as a new junior subjective synonym of Inodesmus. Besides I. jamaicensis, the genus Inodesmus includes 23 species: I. adelphus (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. aenigmaticus (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. agnus (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. anici (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. baccatus (Carl, 1926) comb. nov.; I. bonang (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. bucculentus (Jeekel, 1986) comb. nov.; I. carorum (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. chandleri (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. gayundah (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. hahnensis (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. johnsi (Mesibov, 2009) comb. nov.; I. kerensis (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. kirrama (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. millaa (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. morwellensis (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. parapholeus (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. quintanus (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. sagma (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. steeli (Silvestri, 1910) comb. nov.; I. summus (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. urbanus (Romero-Rincon & Douch, 2024) comb. nov.; I. yuccabinensis (Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov. The bizarre disjunct distribution of Inodesmus is briefly discussed.


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