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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-04-15
Page range: 448-450
Abstract views: 126
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A new species of the genus Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815 (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Gomphocerinae) from Ningxia, China

School of Life Sciences; Xinjiang Normal University; Urumqi; Xinjiang 830017; China
School of Life Sciences; Hebei University; Baoding; Hebei 071002; China
School of Life Sciences; Hebei University; Baoding; Hebei 071002; China
Orthoptera Gomphocerus Thunberg type species Gomphocerus sibiricus sibiricus Gomphocerusspecies subspecies Yin Uvarov Fischer & Waldheim Heer Caudell Cheng Stål Burmeister Linnaeus Mistshenko Palaearctic region Ningxia Gomphocerus ningxiaensis sp. nov. Holotype paratypes Liupanshan Guyuan NingxiaChina Jianxue Wang Hongyan Han etymology morphology male body head pronotum frons fastigium eyes frontal costa antennae foveolae frontal ridge median ocellus vertical diameter transverse terminal curvature median carina lateral carinae prozona metazona prosternal process mesosternal interspace tegmina precostal area anterior cuitus Cua posterior cuitus Cup medial area cubital area wings fore tibia middle tibia hind femur stridulatory pegs genicular lobes hind tibia spines arolium claws tympanal organ subgenital plate epiproct cerci epiphallus female robust ovipositor coloration yellowish brown dark brown black yellowish-brown




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