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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-16
Page range: 582-588
Abstract views: 183
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New data on Turkish Pyraloidea: a new species of Hyperlais Marion, 1959 (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae: Glaphyriinae) and the first report of the little-known Polyochodes albidiscella (Amsel, 1954)

Bitlis Eren University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology; 13000; Bitlis; Türkiye
Batman University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology; 72060; Batman; Türkiye
Lepidoptera Description distribution new species new record taxonomy Pyralidae Phycitinae Anerastiini Crambidae Glaphyriinae


In this study, Hyperlais cakiri sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the east of Türkiye. The new species is compared with the closely related species H. nemausalis (Duponchel, [1834]) and H. elbursalis (Amsel, 1961). Moreover, Polyochodes albidiscella (Amsel, 1954), previously known only from the type locality in Iran, is recorded as new to the Turkish fauna. Male adult and genital pictures of P. albidiscella as well as those of P. farsella (Amsel, 1951) are presented.


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