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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-16
Page range: 589-596
Abstract views: 187
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Larval description of Setodes acutus Navás 1936, (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) from Algeria, including a discriminatory matrix to the known Setodes larvae from the Maghreb region

Department of Ecology and Environment; Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences; University of Batna 2; 05078 Fesdis; Batna; Algeria
Laboratoire de Valorisation des Actions de l’Homme pour la Protection de l’Environnement et Applications en Santé publique; Université de Tlemcen; BP 119 13000 Tlemcen; Algérie
University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Department of Biology; Mother Teresa p.n.; 10 000 Prishtina; Kosovo
Musée cantonal de zoologie; Palais de Rumine; Place de la Riponne 6; 1014 Lausanne; Switzerland
Institute of Marine Biological Recourses and Inland Waters; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research; 46.7km Athens-Sounio Av.; 19013 Anavissos; Attica; Greece
Trichoptera identification taxonomy caddisflies distribution insects africa


The hitherto unknown larva of Setodes acutus Navás 1936 from the Aures region, Algeria, is described. The diagnostic features of the species are explained and illustrated, and morphological comparisons are made with Setodes argentipunctellus McLachlan 1877, recently recorded from the region. In addition, a discriminatory matrix to the known Setodes larvae from the Maghreb region is provided. Lastly, information on the ecology of the two species and their distribution to Northwest and Northeast Algeria is included.


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