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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-04-16
Page range: 597-600
Abstract views: 163
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A revision of the genus Thaumantis Hübner, [1826] from China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

The People’s Government of Dusong Township; Jinchuan County; Aba; Sichuan; P.R. China
Nanfanghangkongcheng; Sanya; Hainan; P.R. China
Wu Zhishan Division of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Bureau; Wuzhishan; Hainan; P. R. China
University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei; Anhui; P. R. China
Haizhou; Fuxin; Liaoning; P.R. China
Lepidoptera Thaumantis hainana Crowley 1900 TL: Hainan T. diores Doubleday 1845 TL: Sylhet China Yunnan Xizang T. diores-complex Wang & Lang 2023 Guizhou T. hainana T. h. libodiores Lang & Wang 2023 morphology genital structures taxonomic value diagnosis sclerotized projections male phallus female sterigma Amathusiini Enispe lunatus Leech 1891 genital types COI phylogenetic tree molecular phylogeny genetic distance Hebert et al. 2003 Guangxi intermediate phenotype genital variation allopatric distribution transitional zone T. d. hainana stat. rev. T. d. diores Ikeda et al. 1999 He et al. 2022 Inayoshi 2023 male genitalia S. China YunnanGuizhou




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