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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-19
Page range: 91-104
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State Museum of Natural History; NAS of Ukraine; Lviv; Ukraine; State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center; Kyiv; Ukraine; Lugansk Nature Reserve of Ukraine; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Stanytsia Luhanska; Luhansk Region; Ukraine
Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians; NAS of Ukraine; Lviv; Ukraine; Boykivshchyna National Nature Park; Borynia; Lviv reg.; Ukraine
I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology; NAS of Ukraine; Kyiv; Ukraine
Ukrainian Entomological Society; Kyiv; Ukraine
Tuzlivski Lymany National Nature Park; Tatarbunary; Ukraine; Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park; Krasnokutsk; Ukraine
Coleoptera Emus hirtus Staphylinidae Coleopteradistribution bionomy conservation Ukraine


In Ukraine, Emus hirtus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) is protected by the national Red Book. The species is widely distributed in all natural zones of the country but occurs sporadically. Almost everywhere in Ukraine E. hirtus tends to decrease in abundance due to the reduction of pastures, a habitat to which this species is strictly specialized. Here we review all known records of E. hirtus in Ukraine summing up its distribution and bionomics in the country. We reflect on the possible causes of the population decline of this species and provide recommendations for its conservation in Ukraine and throughout its entire distribution range.


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