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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-22
Page range: 186-204
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A new species of Sympodium (Octocorallia, Xeniidae) from Miyazaki, Japan

Kuroshio Biological Research Foundation; 560 Nishidomari; Otuki; Kochi 788-0333; Japan
Kuroshio Biological Research Foundation; 560 Nishidomari; Otuki; Kochi 788-0333; Japan
Department of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences; Faculty of Agriculture; University of Miyazaki; Gakuen-kibanadai-nishi- 1-1; Miyazaki 889-2192; Japan
Octocorallia Cnidaria Malacalcyonacea Miyazaki new species


In this study, a new soft coral species, Sympodium omasum sp. nov. (Malacalcyonacea, Xeniidae), is described from a warm-temperate region in Miyazaki, Japan. This new species has double-heads and platelet sclerites, and the platelets are covered with sinuous rodlets, which are fused and form many nodules at the sclerites surface. Sympodium omasum sp. nov. can be distinguished morphologically from a congeneric species by the double-head sclerites and unique platelet surface architecture.


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