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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-23
Page range: 301-336
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Three new species of Puto giant mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Putoidae) from Mexico and Guatemala, with keys to New World adult females and World adult males

Florida State Collection of Arthropods; Division of Plant Industry; 1911 SW 34th St.; Gainesville; FL 32608; U.S.A.
Florida State Collection of Arthropods; Division of Plant Industry; 1911 SW 34th St.; Gainesville; FL 32608; U.S.A.; Retired Research Entomologist; Systematic Entomology Laboratory; Agricultural Research Service; USDA; Rm. 328; Bldg. 003; Beltsville; MD 20705; U.S.A.
Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea scale insects taxonomy quarantine regulatory


Three new species of Puto Signoret, 1876 are described and illustrated from material intercepted at US plant quarantine inspection, including the adult females, all available immature stages, and for two species, the adult male. Puto philo Powell & Miller, sp. n. and Puto brom Powell & Miller, sp. n. are described from Mexico, and Puto spath Powell & Miller, sp. n. is described from Guatemala. Three keys are included to: the instars of Puto, the New World species of Puto based on adult females, and a world key to the adult males of Puto.


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