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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-24
Page range: 495-522
Abstract views: 103
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On Octavius from Maloti-Drakensberg and Golden Gate National Parks, South Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Euaesthetinae)

CZ-417 62 Rtyně nad Bílinou; č. 4; Czech Republic
Coleoptera taxonomy new species new records ColeopteraStaphylinidae Euaesthetinae Octavius Maloti-Drakensberg Golden Gate Afrotropical region South Africa


Nineteen species of the genus Octavius Fauvel, 1873 from Maloti-Drakensberg and Golden Gate National Parks, South Africa were recognised. Thirteen species are described as new: Octavius aureaportalis Janák, sp. nov., O. clarkei Janák, sp. nov., O. flagellatus Janák, sp. nov., O. gracilis Janák, sp. nov., O. gxaligengwanus Janák, sp. nov., O. kambergensis Janák, sp. nov., O. lothenicus Janák, sp. nov., O. monachicucullus Janák, sp. nov., O. penicullatus Janák, sp. nov., O. regius Janák, sp. nov., O. squamatus Janák, sp. nov., O. subulatus Janák, sp. nov. and O. undulatus Janák, sp. nov., distribution records of additional six species of Octavius are presented and all species are illustrated.


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