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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-24
Page range: 591-600
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Two new dactylogyrid species (Dactylogyroidea: Dactylogyridae), gill parasites of freshwater fishes from the Peruvian Amazon, including the proposal of Peruanella n. gen.

Laboratorio de Genómica y Biología Evolutiva; Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología; Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP); Avenida Alfredo Benavides 5440 Santiago de Surco; Lima 15039; Peru
Laboratorio de Zoología de Invertebrados; Departamento Académico de Zoología; Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM); Avenida Universitaria Cruce Con Avenida Venezuela Cuadra 34; Lima 15081; Peru
Laboratorio de Zoología de Invertebrados; Departamento Académico de Zoología; Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM); Avenida Universitaria Cruce Con Avenida Venezuela Cuadra 34; Lima 15081; Peru
Laboratorio de Parasitología y Sanidad Acuícola; Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP); Iquitos; Peru; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal (PPGCA); Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA); São Luís; Maranhão; Brazil
Laboratorio de Genómica y Biología Evolutiva; Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología; Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP); Avenida Alfredo Benavides 5440 Santiago de Surco; Lima 15039; Peru
Laboratorio de Zoología de Invertebrados; Departamento Académico de Zoología; Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM); Avenida Universitaria Cruce Con Avenida Venezuela Cuadra 34; Lima 15081; Peru
Platyhelminthes Animal diversity Characiformes Ectoparasites Monogeneans Neotropical Region Siluriformes Taxonomy


A new genus of dactylogyrid, Peruanella n. gen., is proposed to accommodate Peruanella madredediosensis n. sp. from Brachyplatystoma tigrinum (Britski) (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) from the Madre de Dios River, in Puerto Maldonado City, Madre de Dios region, Peru. The new genus differs from Neotropical dactylogyrids by possessing a combination of the following features: (1) tandem gonads, (2) a tubular J-shaped MCO, (3) an accessory piece connected to the base of the MCO via a filament, (4) a midventral vaginal aperture, (5) anchors similar in shape, each with short roots, (6) straight and robust bars, and (7) equal hook, each with undilated shanks and a depressed thumb. A previously described species, Demidospermus aureagarciae Morey, Rojas, Dávila, Chu & De Pina, 2023 exhibits characteristics that are compatible with the diagnosis of the new genus; therefore, this species is transferred to the Peruanella n. gen. In addition, Jainus peruensis n. sp. is described from Brycon amazonicus (Spix & Agassiz) (Characiformes: Bryconidae). This new species, which is the first species of the genus described in Peru and the third species infecting a bryconid host, can be differentiated from all congeneric species due to: (1) a slender MCO forming a counterclockwise loop at the proximal end, (2) an unarticulated accessory piece with a scythe-shaped distal end, (3) a rod-shaped ventral bar with a medial projection, and (4) a V-shaped and grooved dorsal bar.


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