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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-29
Page range: 65-76
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Four new species of Arixyleborus Hopkins, 1915, ambrosia beetles from Thailand (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini)

Agricultural Innovation and Management Division; Faculty of Natural Resources; Prince of Songkla University; Songkhla; 90110; Thailand
161/2 Mu 5; Soi Wat Pranon; T. Donkaew; A. Maerim; Chiangmai 50180; Thailand
Department of Entomology; Michigan State University; 288 Farm Lane; 243 Natural Science Bldg; East Lansing; MI 48824; USA
Coleoptera Diversity Oriental region Thai fauna Malaysia Sabah new species


Four new species, Arixyleborus halabala Sittichaya, Beaver & Smith sp. nov., Arixyleborus longicauda Sittichaya, Beaver & Smith sp. nov., Arixyleborus vellus Sittichaya, Beaver & Smith sp. nov. are described from Thailand, and Arixyleborus liratus Sittichaya, Beaver & Smith sp. nov. from Thailand and East Malaysia (Sabah). With the inclusion of the species described here, the diversity of Arixyleborus is increased to 46 species, of which 20 occur in Thailand. A synoptic list with distributions and habitat types is provided.


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