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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-29
Page range: 88-104
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New species and new records of Brueelia Kéler, 1936 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from South Africa

Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization; Guangdong Public Library of Wild Animal Conservation and Utilization; Institute of Zoology; Guangdong Academy of Sciences; 105 Xingang West Road; Haizhu District; Guangzhou; 510260; Guangdong Province; China
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization; Guangdong Public Library of Wild Animal Conservation and Utilization; Institute of Zoology; Guangdong Academy of Sciences; 105 Xingang West Road; Haizhu District; Guangzhou; 510260; Guangdong Province; China
Research Administration and Development; University of Limpopo; South Africa; DSI-NRF SARChI Chair; Department of Biodiversity; University of Limpopo; South Africa
Department of Biodiversity; University of Limpopo; South Africa
Phthiraptera Brueelia-complex Brueelia African pied Brueelia Philopteridae Ploceidae new species new records South Africa


Three species of the genus Brueelia Kéler, 1936 are reported from South Africa for the first time: Brueelia cyclothorax (Burmeister, 1838) ex Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758), Brueelia queleae Sychra & Barlev [in Sychra et al.], 2010a ex Quelea quelea lathami (Smith, 1836), and Brueelia coryliventer Gustafsson & Bush, 2015, ex Creatophora cinerea (Meuschen, 1787). In addition, two new species of Brueelia are described from South African ploceids: Brueelia oschadlei n. sp. ex Ploceus capensis (Linnaeus, 1766), and Brueelia inusta n. sp. ex Ploceus velatus tahatali Smith, 1836. Also, we discuss the “African pied Brueelia” species-group—to which the two new species belong—in particular the variation in pigmentation patterns on the subgenital plates of both sexes.


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