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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-02
Page range: 573-580
Abstract views: 147
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Study on the intraspecific variation of Capila lineata lineata Chou & Gu, 1994, with some taxonomic notes on the related taxa (Hesperiidae, Pyrginae)

College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No.136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No.136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No.136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No.136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No.136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
Baoshan Branch of Yunnan Province Tobacco Company; No.186 Zheng Yang Bei Lu; Baoshan; Yunnan Province; 678000; P. R. China
Lepidoptera skippers type specimen genitalia wing pattern COI synonym subspecies


The history with regard to questions on Capila lineata lineata Chou & Gu, 1994, C. lineata magna Devyatkin & Monastyrskii, 1999, C. lineata irregularis Devyatkin & Monastyrskii, 2002 and C. neolineata Fan, Wang & Huang, 2003 was reviewed. The intraspecific variation of C. lineata lineata was explored by DNA barcoding and morphological comparison. The results revealed a remarkable variability in wing patterns and a slight variability in female genitalia, whereas characters of the male genitalia were uniform. C. lineata irregularis syn. n. and C. neolineata syn. n. are treated as junior subjective synonyms of C. lineata lineata because morphological characters of the two taxa fall into the range of individual variation of the latter.


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