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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-03
Page range: 103-112
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New species and records of Anthelephila praetor species-group (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from China

School of Forestry and Prataculture; Ningxia University; Yinchuan 750021; Ningxia; P. R. China
School of Agriculture; Ningxia University; Yinchuan 750021; Ningxia; P. R. China
Coleoptera Anthicidae new species taxonomy China


Three new species of the genus Anthelephila Hope, 1833 are described: A. androgyna n. sp. (Hainan), A. junpolis n. sp. (Hainan) and A. tricolorata n. sp. (Yunnan). New distributional records of A. celer (Kejval, 1999) from Yunnan are added, known records distribution map of A. praetor informal species-group is provided.


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