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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-03
Page range: 113-123
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A new species and a new record of Urytalpa Edwards, 1929 (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from China

National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficient Preparation of Biopesticide; Zhejiang A&F University; 666 Wusu Street; Lin’an; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 311300; China
National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficient Preparation of Biopesticide; Zhejiang A&F University; 666 Wusu Street; Lin’an; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 311300; China
National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficient Preparation of Biopesticide; Zhejiang A&F University; 666 Wusu Street; Lin’an; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 311300; China; Zhejiang Museum of Natural History; No. 6 Westlake Cultural Square; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 310014; China
National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficient Preparation of Biopesticide; Zhejiang A&F University; 666 Wusu Street; Lin’an; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 311300; China
Comprehensive Service Center of Public Institutions in Qiantan Town; Jiande City; Zhejiang 311600; China
National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficient Preparation of Biopesticide; Zhejiang A&F University; 666 Wusu Street; Lin’an; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 311300; China
National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for High-Efficient Preparation of Biopesticide; Zhejiang A&F University; 666 Wusu Street; Lin’an; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 311300; China
Diptera Urytalpa taxonomy DNA barcode map checklist


One new species and a new record of Urytalpa (Diptera: Keroplatidae: Keroplatinae), U. leigongshana sp. n. and U. yoshidai Uesugi, are described in this paper, which were collected from Guizhou and Sichuan, China. The molecular identification and morphological description of U. leigongshana are provided, together with the adult images of these two species. Furthermore, this paper also offers a worldwide distribution map and a checklist of this genus.


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