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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-03
Page range: 145-150
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Lectotypification of Macromia pyramidalis Martin, 1907 (Odonata: Macromiidae) and its nomenclatural consequences

Institute of Cytology & Genetics SB RAS; Acad. Lavrentyev Ave. 10; Novosibirsk; 630090; Russia; Novosibirsk State University; Pirogova Str. 2; Novosibirsk; 630090; Russia
Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle; Entomologie; Direction des Collections Naturalistes; CP 50; 45 rue Buffon; F-75005 Paris
Odonata dragonfly Macromiidae syntypes lectotype R. Martin Macromia pyramidalis Macromia pinratani Macromia berlandi


The type series of Macromia pyramidalis Martin, 1907 was for a long time suspected to be heterogeneous. The photographs of the three syntypes preserved in Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN) revealed the male syntype to be consubspecific to the current Macromia pinratani vietnamica Asahina, 1996 and the two female syntypes conspecific to the current Macromia berlandi Lieftinck, 1941. The name M. pyramidalis is the oldest among those mentioned. The male syntype is designated as the lectotype of M. pyramidalis to result in somewhat less inconvenient nomenclatural consequences, which are as follows: Macromia pyramidalis pyramidalis, valid name = Macromia pinratani vietnamica, syn. nov.; Macromia pyramidalis pinratani Asahina, 1983, comb. nov.; Macromia pyramidalis, valid name = Macromia pinratani, syn. nov.


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