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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-06
Page range: 239-252
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Macromia kannharaiensis, a new species of dragonfly (Insecta: Odonata: Macromiidae) from Maharashtra, India

Br. Nath Pai Junior College; Kudal; Sindhudurg; Maharashtra 416520; India
Department of Zoology; Sant Rawool Maharaj College Kudal; Sindhudurg; Maharashtra 416520; India
At post Medhe; Bambarde; Dodamarg; Sindhudurg; Maharashtra 416549; India
Odonata calliope– group Macromia ida Macromia flavocolorata endemic species taxonomy Western Ghats Tilari Myristica swamp South and South East Asia


We describe a new species of dragonfly Macromia kannharaiensis sp. nov., based on a male and a female specimens collected from Dodamarg taluka, Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra. The new species belongs to the calliope–group (species group initially discussed by Laidlaw 1922), and it can be distinguished by its congeners on the bases of specific colour pattern on postclypeus, markings on S2 and S8, shape and structure of caudal appendages and accessory genitalia.



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