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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-06
Page range: 273-281
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Lyriothemis lucifera spec. nov. from the Andaman Islands, India (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Zoologisches Museum der CAU zu Kiel; Hegewischstr. 3; 24105 Kiel; Germany
Department of Zoology; Shyampur Siddheswari Mahavidyalaya; Ajodhya; Howrah–711312; India
Odonata Anisoptera new species taxonomy Lyriothemis magnificata Lyriothemis laui Lyriothemis daui


Lyriothemis lucifera spec. nov. (holotype ♂: 18.iv.1998, Long Island, Rangat county, North and Middle Andaman district, Andaman Islands, India, ex.-coll. M. Hämäläinen, Wen-Chi Yeh, RMNH.INS. 1152914; deposited at Naturalis Biodiversity Centre Leiden, the Netherlands), is described and figured. This new species belongs to the 3rd group of Lyriothemis Brauer, 1868. Photographs of the name-bearing specimens of Lyriothemis magnificata (Selys, 1878), Lyriothemis daui Krüger, 1902, and Lyriothemis laui Krüger, 1902 are provided.



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