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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-07
Page range: 385-396
Abstract views: 176
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Description of final stadium larva of Dysphaea gloriosa Fraser, 1938, (Odonata: Euphaeidae) with notes on its habitat and biology

Institute of Applied Technology; Thu Dau Mot University; No. 06 Tran Van On; Phu Hoa Ward; Thu Dau Mot City; Binh Duong province; Vietnam
Forest and Plant Conservation Research Office; Department of National Parks; Wildlife and Plant Conservation; Bangkok 10900; Thailand
Green World Foundation; 2 Sukhumvit 43 allay; Klongtan-neua; Wattana; Bangkok 10110 Thailand
The Center for Entomology & Parasitology Research; College of Medicine and Pharmacy; Duy Tan University; 120 Hoang Minh Thao; Lien Chieu; Da Nang; Vietnam
The Center for Entomology & Parasitology Research; College of Medicine and Pharmacy; Duy Tan University; 120 Hoang Minh Thao; Lien Chieu; Da Nang; Vietnam
Odonata Calopterygoidea damselfly Khao Yai National Park rearing method Thailand


The final instar larva of the genus Dysphaea Selys, 1853 is described and figured for the first time based on specimens of D. gloriosa Fraser, 1938 from Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. The larvae of D. gloriosa are very rarely encountered. The larvae are characterized by the relatively larger head, the swollen heavily spined genae extending well beyond the eyes, the swollen postocular lobes bearing a disordered row of dense strong marginal spines, the outer armature of the mandibles and the unusual labrum. Notes on the habitat and biology of the larvae are also provided.



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