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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-10
Page range: 248-260
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Description of a new species of the genus Atanycolus Foerster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitizing Lamprodila nobilissima bellula (Lewis) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in China

Key Laboratory of Forest Protection; State Forestry and Grassland Administration; Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute; Chinese Academy of Forestry; Beijing 100091; China; Northern Research Station; FS; USDA; 2601 Coolidge Rd; Ste 203; East Lansing; MI 48823 USA
Key Laboratory of Forest Protection; State Forestry and Grassland Administration; Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute; Chinese Academy of Forestry; Beijing 100091; China
Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit; ARS; USDA; Newark; DE 19713; USA
Key Laboratory of Forest Protection; State Forestry and Grassland Administration; Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute; Chinese Academy of Forestry; Beijing 100091; China
Northern Research Station; FS; USDA; 2601 Coolidge Rd; Ste 203; East Lansing; MI 48823 USA
Key Laboratory of Forest Protection; State Forestry and Grassland Administration; Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute; Chinese Academy of Forestry; Beijing 100091; China
Hymenoptera braconid natural enemy woodborer biocontrol agent solitary


Atanycolus yangi sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a new species parasitizing the flatheaded wood borer, Lamprodila nobilissima bellula (Lewis) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is described. Lamprodila nobilissima bellula is a serious wood boring pest of Rosacea trees in North China. We collected adult specimens of A. yangi sp. nov. searching for hosts on infested tree trunks and confirmed the host-parasitoid association by dissecting parasitized hosts from infested trees in the field and rearing the parasitoid from L. nobilissima bellula -infested host tree logs in the laboratory. Adult images for both sexes of the new parasitoid species are provided. A morphological identification key to Oriental and Palaearctic species similar to A. yangi sp. nov is also presented.



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