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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-20
Page range: 255-262
Abstract views: 401
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Bedazzled: a new, striking species of Corades from the outskirts of Quito questions our knowledge of Andean cloud forest butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

Department of Invertebrate Evolution; Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research; Jagiellonian University; Gronostajowa 9; 30- 387 Kraków; Poland
7 Lotissement l’Horizon; Le Puy Sainte Réparade; France
15 rue Saint-Rieul; Hameau de Ducy; 60800 Fresnoy-le-Luat; France
Nature Education Centre; Jagiellonian University; Gronostajowa 5; 30-387 Kraków; Poland
Nature Education Centre; Jagiellonian University; Gronostajowa 5; 30-387 Kraków; Poland
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis for Biodiversity Change; Zoological Research Museum; Alexander Koenig; Adenauerallee 127; 53113 Bonn; Germany
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity; Florida Museum of Natural History; University of Florida; Gainesville; FL; USA; Research Associate; Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad; Quito; Ecuador
Lepidoptera COI barcodes Ecuador genitalia Pronophilina taxonomy


A new butterfly species in the genus Corades, C. yanacocha Pyrcz, Boyer & Petit sp. n., belonging to the diverse, predominantly Andean subtribe Pronophilina (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), is described from the Yanacocha Reserve situated only a couple of kilometres west of Quito, Ecuador. This is an extremely surprising discovery in a region whose butterfly fauna was considered to be fairly well known, underlying the need to protect remnants of high elevation forests in such overpopulated regions of the Andes. Morphological characters, in particular male genitalia, indicate an affinity of C. yanacocha sp. n. with C. trimaculata from northern Peru. A preliminary molecular study using COI barcodes indicates, however, the widely distributed north Andean C. dymantis as the closest relative.



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