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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-22
Page range: 487-510
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Taxonomy of the Cryptopygus complex. IV. Cyclomorphosis in three species of Appendisotoma and description of a new species from Kazakhstan (Collembola, Isotomidae)

Department of Zoology and Ecology; Moscow State Pedagogical University; Kibalchich str.; 6; korp. 5; Moscow 129164; Russia
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution; Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow 119071; Russia
Natural History Research Center; Shanghai Natural History Museum; Shanghai Science & Technology Museum; Shanghai; 200041; China
Department of Biology; School of Arts and Sciences; National University of Mongolia; Ulaanbaatar; 14201 Mongolia
Banzarov Buryat State University; 670000; Ulan-Ude; Russia
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Insect Development Biology and Applied Technology; Institute of Insect Science and Technology; School of Life Sciences; South China Normal University; Guangzhou; China; Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture; Guangzhou; China
Collembola dimorphism phenotypic plasticity summer form winter form snow flea Siberia life cycle Proisotoma


Appendisotoma bisetosa Martynova, 1970, A. stebayevae (Grinbergs, 1962) and A. sibirica Stebayeva, 1985 are redescribed based on the material from Palaearctic region. Seasonal cyclomorphosis of the three species is distinguished. The winter form is armed with apical lobe on dens, chitinized furca and larger ocelli. Tenaculum, tenent hairs, and pigmentation can also be affected by cyclomorphosis. Dimorphism of species of Appendisotoma resembles that of several species of Proisotoma s. str. Appendisotoma monomorpha sp. nov. is described from Kazakhstan, taxonomic remarks are given to A. absoloni Rusek, 1966 and A. abiskoensis (Agrell, 1939).



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