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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-27
Page range: 108-118
Abstract views: 373
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Aulopus chirichignoae, a new flagfin from the eastern Pacific Ocean (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Aulopidae)

UMR 7209 AASPE; CNRS; MNHN; Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; 55 rue Buffon; 75005 Paris; France
Área Funcional de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad (AFIB); Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE); Esq. Gamarra y General Valle s/n; Callao; Lima; Perú
Universidad Nacional de Piura; Facultad de Ciencias; Escuela de Posgrado; Maestría en Ciencias del Mar; Piura; Perú
Unité Biologie des organismes et écosystèmes aquatiques (BOREA 7208); Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; Sorbonne Université; Université de Caen Normandie; Université des Antilles; CNRS; IRD; CP26; 57 rue Cuvier 75005 Paris; France; UMR 7208 BOREA; CNRS; MNHN; Sorbonne Université; Université de Caen Normandie; Université des Antilles; IRD; Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; 43 rue Cuvier; CP 26; 75005 Paris; France
Laboratorio costero de Camaná; Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE); Carretera Panamericana Sur km 848; La Pampa; Camaná; Arequipa; Perú
The Nature Conservancy; Quito; Ecuador
Pisces new species fish taxonomy Peru Ecuador tEP DNA barcode


A new species of the Aulopidae is described from the waters of southern Ecuador and northern Peru. Aulopus chirichignoae sp. nov. was previously confused with Aulopus bajacali Parin & Kotlyar, 1984, but it differs from this species by a significantly marked elongation of the dorsal fin rays in males (absent in females), a smaller head, modal differences in dorsal and anal ray counts (15 vs 14 and 11 vs 12, respectively), a higher number of vertebrae (50–51 vs 47–49), and color differences, especially on the dorsal fin. DNA barcoding analysis supported the status of new species, evidencing a 4.2% and 2.8% divergence with Aulopus filamentosus (Bloch, 1792) and A. bajacali, respectively. A sequence of an Aulopus sp., collected in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, matches the new species with only a 0.4% divergence, indicating that Aulopus chirichignoae sp. nov. is distributed at least as far north as the Paramount Seamount at 3°20.35’N, ca. 400 km north of the Galápagos Islands.



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