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Type: Monograph
Published: 2024-05-31
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Arboreal eurymeline leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Eurymelinae) of the Indian subcontinent with description of new genera and eight new species

Department of Entomology; University of Agricultural Sciences; GKVK; Bengaluru 560065; India
Department of Entomology; University of Agricultural Sciences; GKVK; Bengaluru 560065; India
Hemiptera Idiocerinae mango leafhoppers morphology Auchenorrhyncha


Species of the arboreal leafhopper subfamily Eurymelinae formerly included in Idiocerinae (i.e., excluding Macropsini) from the Indian subcontinent are reviewed. Three tribes, Balocerini, Idiocerini and Megipocerini are represented in the subcontinent. The tribes, genera and species are diagnosed and the species are illustrated with an emphasis on the female genitalia. The species in the genus Idioscopus are revised and assigned to new genera. Species groups are recognized in the genus Idioscopus sensu stricto based on forewing venation, head sculpturing and male genitalia. The following new taxa are described and illustrated: Balocha fuscolinea sp. nov. (India: Karnataka), Bellacerus gen. nov. (type species: Idioscopus bellus Viraktamath), Busonia distanti sp. nov. (Nepal; India: Meghalaya), B. manipurensis sp. nov. (India: Manipur), Jogina gen. nov. (type species: Idioscopus robustipennis Viraktamth), Keralus gen. nov. (type species: Idioscopus webbi Viraktamath), Matangia gen. nov. (type species: Idioscopus capriliana Viraktamath & Murphy), M. kodaiensis sp. nov. (India: Tamil Nadu), Metidiocerus gnezdilovi sp. nov. (India: Jammu & Kashmir), Ulavius gen. nov. (type species: Idioscopus anasuyae Viraktamath & Viraktamath), U. parvathiae sp. nov. (India: Karnataka), U. poornachandrai sp. nov. (India: Karnataka) and U. radhamaniae sp. nov. (India: Karnataka). The genus Metidocerus Ossiannilsson is recorded for the first time from the subcontinent. Busonia amentata Distant is redescribed based on one male paratype from Myitta (Myanmar) and it is shown that the specimen identified as this species by Maldonado-Capriles (1977) is in error. Idiocerus quinquepunctatus Melichar 1903 earlier considered as a junior synonym of I. atkinsoni Lethierry 1889, is resurrected from synonymy and Amritodus brevistylus Viraktamath 1976 syn. nov. is treated as a junior synonym of I. quinquepunctatus. Idioscopus scutellatus (Distant 1908) syn. nov. is considered as a junior synonym of I. clypealis (Lethierry 1898). Balocha anufrievi Kameswara Rao & Ramakrishnan 1979 syn. nov., B. bifurcata Kamswara Rao, Ramakrishanan & Ghai 1979 syn. nov. and B. maldonadoi Kamswara Rao & Ramakrishan 1979 syn. nov. are treated as junior synonms of the wide-spread B. astuta (Melichar 1903) described from Sri Lanka. The following new combinations are proposed: Amritodus quinquepunctataus (Melichar) comb. nov., Bellacerus bellus (Viraktamath) comb. nov., Jogina robustipennis (Viraktamath) comb. nov., Keralus webbi (Viraktamath) comb. nov., Matangia capriliana (Viraktamath & Murphy) comb. nov., M. indica (Viraktamath) comb. nov., M. thapai (Viraktamath & Hongsaprug) comb. nov., Metidiocerus deodarae (Viraktamath & Sohi) comb. nov., Ulavius anasuyae (Viraktamath & Viraktamath) comb. nov. U. decoratus (Viraktamath) comb. nov., U. dworakowskae (Viraktamath) comb. nov., U. jayashriae (Viraktamath & Viraktamath) comb. nov. and U. spectabilis (Viraktamath) comb. nov. These species were placed earlier in the genus Idioscopus except Metidiocerus deodarae which was in the genus Idiocerus. Keys to subtribes, genera and species under each genus are also given. Busonia manipurensis sp. nov. and Busoniomimus manjunathi are actively attended by ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).



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