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Type: Article
Published: 2024-06-06
Page range: 417-428
Abstract views: 153
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A new species of Metopeurum Mordvilko, 1914 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from the Transcaucasus, with a key to the species of this genus

Institute of Zoology; Ilia State University; Giorgi Tsereteli 3; 0162; Tbilisi; Georgia
Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia; P. Sevak 7; 0014; Yerevan; Armenia
Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia; P. Sevak 7; 0014; Yerevan; Armenia
Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia; P. Sevak 7; 0014; Yerevan; Armenia
Institute of Botany after A. Takhtajyan; National Academy of Science; of Republic of Armenia; Achryan 1; 0063; Yerevan; Armenia
BTL Bio-Test Labor Gmbh Sagerheide; Thünenplatz 1; 18190; Groß Lüsewitz; Germany
Hemiptera Aphid Macrosiphini Achillea Tanacetum Caucasus


The new aphid species Metopeurum caucasicum sp. nov. living on Achillea millefolium and five species of Tanacetum, namely T. abrotanifolium, T. balsamita, T. balsamitoides, T. canescens and T. vulgare (Asteraceae) in Armenia and Georgia, is described based on the apterous viviparous females. Diagnosis to other species of the genus is given. Some diagnostic characters of the holotype of Metopeurum capillatum (Börner, 1950), which was originally briefly described, are presented. An updated identification key for apterous viviparous females of all Metopeurum species is provided.



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