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Type: Article
Published: 2024-06-12
Page range: 201-254
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Synopsis of Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Atlantic Forest Dominion, Espírito Santo State, Brazil: keys, diagnoses, new species, plant associations, and geographic distribution. Part I: Bryocorinae, Cylapinae and Deraeocorinae.

Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Departamento de Entomologia (Full Professor retired); Avenida Peter Henry Rolfs; s/n; Viçosa; MG 36570-900; Brazil
Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa; Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural; Rua Afonso Sarlo; 160; Bento Ferreira; Vitória/ES 29052-010; Brazil
Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Bacharelando em Cooperativismo; Departamento de Economia Rural; Edifício Edson Potsch Magalhães—R. Purdue; Campus Universitário; Viçosa; Minas Gerais; Brazil
Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa; Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Incaper); Domingos Martins; ES; Brazil
Hemiptera Plant bugs diagnoses distribution host plants morphological characters


This is the first paper in a compilation of subfamilies synoptic taxonomic treatments of the Miridae in Espírito Santo (ES), Brazil based on extensive fieldwork and review of local collections. Starting with Bryocorinae, Cylapinae, and Deraeocorinae. This manuscript recognizes three subfamilies, 8 tribes, 31 genera, and 45 species from the region. Diagnoses, hostplant/plant associations and predator prey information, distribution data, and remarks are provided. Illustrations of adults and, for most species, morphological characters of male genitalia are given to help identification. Keys are included for identification, including other subfamilies, tribes, and genera not yet found in the state of ES to increase the comparative accuracy.



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