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Type: Monograph
Published: 2008-10-01
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The genus-group names of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) and their type species, with a new genus, new name, new synonymies, new combinations and lectotypifications

Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok-22, 690022, Russia
School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg), Private Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209 South Africa
Hymenoptera Solitary wasps velvet ants sex association distribution


Information is provided for 346 genus-group names used in Mutillidae, including 53 unavailable names: eight nomina nuda, seven lapsus calami, 36 incorrect subsequent spellings and two not considered valid when proposed. Of the 293 available names, 238 are currently considered valid: 208 of these are generic and 30 are subgeneric, 161 are known from both sexes, 40 from males only and 30 from females only (for the other seven one sex is uncertainly associated); of the 55 invalid names, 12 are objectively invalid (eight junior homonyms, four junior objective synonyms), 42 are junior subjective synonyms and one is a nomen dubium. Gender, type species and kind of fixation, taxonomic history and status, sex association, and distribution data are given for each available name. The following new nomenclatural acts are included: Wallacidia Lelej & Brothers gen. nov. (type species Mutilla oculata Fabricius, 1804) is proposed for Radoszkowskius sensu Lelej, 1996, 2005; Mutilla triguttata Lelej & Brothers nom. nov. is proposed for Mutilla africana André, 1895 (not Gistel, 1848); Peringueyella Nonveiller & Ć etković, 1995 and Peringeyotilla Nonveiller & Ć etković, 1997 are synonymized with Acanthomutilla Nonveiller, 1995 syn. nov. which is raised to generic status; Paralletilla Pagliano, 2005 is synonymized with Ronisia Costa, 1858 syn. nov.; Mutilla lobicornis André, 1907 is synonymized with Mutilla argenteopicta Sichel & Radoszkowski, 1869 syn. nov.; Pristomutilla curtispinosa Bischoff, 1921 and Lophotilla makalanga Bischoff, 1920 are synonymized with Lophotilla comparanda Bischoff, 1920 syn. nov.; new combinations are proposed for Apteromutilla aethra (Péringuey, 1899), comb. nov. (from Mutilla), Ceratotilla feminaeformis (Bischoff, 1920), comb. nov. (from Myrmilla), Ceratotilla inalata (Bischoff, 1920), comb. nov. (from Myrmilla) and Trogaspidia cooki (André, 1895), comb. nov. (from Mutilla and Timulla). Lectotypes are designated and illustrated for Ischioceras rugosa Provancher, 1882 (female) and illustrated for Mutilla simplicifascia Sichel & Radoszkowski, 1869 (female).


  1. André, E. (1896) Notes pour servir à la connaissance de mutilles paléarctiques et descrip-tion de quelques espèces nouvelles. Deuxieme partie. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France, 9, 261–277.

    André, E. (1898) Étude sur les Mutillides du Muséum de Paris. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 67, 1–79.

    André, E. (1899a) Mutilles nouvelles de Madagascar. Bulletin du Muséum National de l’Histoire Naturelle Paris, 5 : 34–37.

    André, E. (1899–1903) Species de Hyménoptères d'Europe & d'Algérie. Tome Huitième. Les Mutillides. Vve Dubosclard and A. Hermann, Paris. 480 pp. + 15 pls. (1899b) 1–64 + pl. 1–8; (1900) 65–144; (1901a) 145–304; (1902b) 305–384; (1903) 385–478; (dates?) pl. 9–15. [Although there is internal information that pl. 1–8 were issued with part 1 (1899) (see p. 136 and lettering styles for plates), we have not been able to establish when the remaining plates were issued; it seems that pl. 9–12 were produced together, and pl. 13–15 together.]

    André, E. (1901–1902) Matériaux pour servir à la connaissance des Mutillides d'Afrique. Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, (1901b) 1, 279–288, 305–352; (1902a) 2, 17–48.

    André, E. (1901c) Description de cinq nouvelles espèces de Mutilles de Madagascar. (Hym.). Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, 1, 137–144.

    André, E. (1902c [“1903”]) Fam. Mutillidae. In: Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 11. Bruxelles, 77 pp. + 3 pls. [André’s treatment of Mutillidae in Wytsman’s Genera Insectorum (fascicle 11) has consistently been considered to have been published in 1903. The title page for the volume, including fascicles 1‑11, gives the dates 1902‑1903, and it is a reasonable assumption that fascicle 11 was published last. The cover of fascicle 11 also has 1903 printed on it. There are various strong pieces of evidence indicating that it was actually published in 1902, however. The copy of the fascicle in the library of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) has the pencil notation ‘In.34 ‑‑ 1902’ on the first page, presumably indicating its receipt during 1902. The fascicle is also referred to in the volume of The Zoological Record which deals with literature published in 1902 (vol. 39, XIII. Insecta, p. 6, item 25 and p. 79; 1903). More significantly, it is listed as having been published in 1902 in the Bibliographie de Belgique (vol. 29, part 3, p. 72, No. 411; 15 February 1903) along with the second part of fascicle 10 and the first part of fascicle 12. The last part of fascicle 10, the second part of fascicle 12 and fascicle 13 are listed later that year (vol. 29, parts 11‑12, p. 216, No. 1260; 15‑30 June 1903) as having been published in 1903, explaining the range of dates given for the volume as a whole. The date of publication of fascicle 11 must thus be considered to be no later than 31 December 1902.]

    André, E. (1904a) Examen critique d'uen nouvelle classification proposée par M. le Dr. W. H. Ashmead pour la famille des Mutillidae. Revue d'Entomologie, 23(1), 27–41.

    André, E. (1904b) Voyage de feu Leonardo Fea dans l’Afrique occidentale. Mutillidae. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (3), 1(41), 221–252.

    André, E. (1904c) Notice sur quelques Mutillides et Thynnides du Chili. Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, 4, 284–289, 305–319.

    André, E. (1905) Nouvelles espèces de Mutillides d'Amérique. (Hym.). Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, 5(1–6), 361–376.

    André, E. (1907–1908) Description d'espèces nouvelles de Mutillides appartenant au Mu-séum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris (Hym.). Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, (1907a) 7(4), 337–352; (1908a) 8(1), 14–18.

    André, E. (1907b) Liste des Mutillides recueillis à Ceylan par M. le Dr. Walther Horn et description des espèces nouvelles. (Hym.). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1907(3), 251–258.

    André, E. (1908b) Étude sur les Mutillides du Musée National d'Histoire naturelle de Buénos Aires. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires (Ser. 3a), 10, 169–214.

    André, E. (1908c) Description de deux nouvelles espèces de Mutillides du Transvaal. (Hym.) Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 4, 468–470.

    André, E. (1910) Revision monographique des Mutillides de l'Egypte. Mémoires de la Société Entomologique d'Egypte, 1(2), 1–94 + 3 pls.

    Argaman, Q. (1988) Description of the female of Ticopla, with biological and taxonomic notes (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Fragmenta Balcanica Musei Macedonici Scienti-arum Naturalium, 14, 33–45.

    Arnold, G. (1946) New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 6. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, 12, 49–97.

    Arnold, G. (1956) New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 12. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, 3(21B), 52–77.

    Arnold, G. (1962) New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 16. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, 3(26B), 844–855.

    Ashmead, W.H. (1896) Description of new parasitic Hymenoptera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 23, 179–234.

    Ashmead, W.H. (1899) Superfamilies in the Hymenoptera and generic synopses of the families Thynnidae, Myrmosidae, and Mutillidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 7, 45–60.

    Ashmead, W.H. (1900–1904) Classification of the fossorial, predaceous and parasitic wasps, or the superfamily Vespoidea. The Canadian Entomologist, (1900) 32, 145–155, 185–188, 295–296; (1902) 34, 79–88, 131–137, 163–166, 203–210, 219–231, 268–273, 287–291; (1903) 35, 3–8, 39–44, 95–107, 155–158, 199–205, 303–310, 323–332; (1904) 36, 5–9.

    Banks, N. (1912) At the Ceanothus in Virginia. Entomological News, 23, 102–110.

    Bingham C.T. (1912 [“1911”]) South African Aculeate Hymenoptera in the Oxford Museum. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1911, 528–550.

    Bischoff, H. (1916) Bernsteinhymenopteren. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomische Gesellschaft zu Königsberg, 56, 139–144.

    Bischoff, H. (1920–1921) Monographie der Mutilliden Afrikas. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, (1920) 86A(1–3), 1–480; (1921) 86A(4–5), 481–830.

    Bischoff, H. & Nonveiller, G. (1965) Beschreibung des vermutlichen Männchen von Platy-myrmilla 5-fasciata Ol. (Hym., Mutil.). Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 94(1–2), 22–26.

    Blake, C.A. (1871) Synopsis of the Mutillidae of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 3, 217–265.

    Blake, C.A. (1872) Additions to the “Synopsis of N. Am. Mutillidae.” Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 4, 71–76.

    Blake, C.A. (1886) Monograph of the Mutillidae of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 13, 179–286.

    Bradley, J.C. (1916) Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. 1. A revision of Ephuta Say, a genus of Mutillidae equivalent to the species group scrupea of Fox. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 42, 187–198.

    Bradley, J.C. (1917) Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. 4. A review of the Myrmosidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 43, 247–290.

    Bradley, J.C. (1919) The synonymy and type species of certain genera of Hymenoptera, especially of those discussed by the Rev. F.D. Morice and Mr. Jno. Hartley Durrant in connection with the long-forgotten "Erlangen List" of Panzer and Jurine. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1919, 50–75.

    Bradley, J.C. & Bequert, J. (1923) Studies in African Mutillidae. Revue Zoologique Africaine, 11(3), 211–258.

    Bradley, J.C. & Bequert, J. (1928) A synopsis of the Mutillidae of the Belgian Congo. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 58(2), 63–122.

    Bridwell, J.C. (1920) Miscellaneous notes on Hymenoptera, 2nd paper, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 4(2), 386–403.

    Brothers, D.J. (1970) Mimecomutilla Ashmead, 1903 (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Mutillidae): request for the designation under the plenary powers of a type species in harmony with the intention of its author. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 27, 115–118.

    Brothers, D.J. (1971a) The genera of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) parasitic on tsetse flies (Glossina; Diptera). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 34(1), 101–102.

    Brothers, D.J. (1971b) Ascetotilla, a new genus of Mutillidae from New Guinea (Hymenoptera). Pacific Insects, 13(3–4), 471–485.

    Brothers, D.J. (1975) Phylogeny and classification of the aculeate Hymenoptera, with special reference to Mutillidae. The University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 50(11), 483–648.

    Brothers, D.J. (1983a) Identity and classification of Physetopoda, Chaetotilla and Paramyrme. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 56(3), 441–445.

    Brothers, D.J. (1983b) Identity of four species of Mutillidae described mistakenly as from Australia. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 46(2), 325–330.

    Brothers, D.J. (1989) Alternative life-history styles of mutillid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera). In: M.N. Bruton (Ed.), Alternative Life-History Styles of Animals. Perspectives in Vertebrate Science, 6, 279-291.

    Brothers, D.J. (1994) A new genus and four new species of Mutillidae associated with Brachyponera lutea Mayr (Formicidae) in Western Australia (Hymenoptera). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 33, 143–152.

    Brothers, D.J. (1998 [“1997”]) Type material of species now assigned to Mimecomutilla Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) in the South African Museum. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.), 33(2), 441–446.

    Brothers, D.J. (2006) Familia Mutillidae. In: Fernández, F. & Sharkey, M.J. (Eds), Introducción a los Hymenoptera de la Región Neotropical. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología y Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C., pp. 577–594.

    Burmeister, [H.C.C.] (1854) Uebersicht der brasilianischen Mutillen. Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle, 2, 19–29.

    Burmeister, H.C.C. (1875 [“1874”]) Mutillae Argentinae. Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas existente en la Universidad de Cordova, 1, 461–502 + 1 pl.

    Cambra T., R.A. (1997) Comparacion de la diversidad en la Sphaeropthalminae (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) de Costa Rica y Panamá, con notas sobre biología. Scientia, 12(2), 115–128.

    Cambra T., R.A. & Quintero A., D. (1992) Velvet ants of Panama: distribution and systematics (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). In: Quintero A., D. & Aiello, A. (Eds), Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected Studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 459–478.

    Cambra T., R.A. & Quintero A., D. (1997) A revision of Protophotopsis Schuster (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 6(2), 263–272.

    Cambra T., R.A. & Quintero A., D. (2003) Description of the previously unknown male of the Neotropical genus Hoplognathoca Suarez and new distribution records (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Sphaeropthalminae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 129(3-4), 487–495.

    Cambra T., R.A. & Quintero A., D. (2006) A new genus and two new species of Sphaeropthalminae (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) from Chile. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 132(1–2), 91–98.

    Cambra T., R.A. & Quintero A., D. (2007) Chilemutilla, a new genus of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) from Chile, and the description of the first wingless mutillid male from South America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 133(1–2), 167–180.

    Cameron, P. (1894–1900) Fam. Mutillidae. In: Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (Eds), Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Hymenoptera. (Fossores.) II, R.H. Porter, London, (1894) 259–328; (1895) 329–376; (1896) 377–395; (1899) 404; (1900) iii, v, x–xi, 405–413, pl. 13–14.

    Cameron, P. (1901) On the Hymenoptera collected during the "Skeat Expedition" to the Malay Peninsula, 1899–1900. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 2, 16–44.

    Cameron, P. (1902) Descriptions of new genera and species of Hymenoptera collected by Major C. S. Nurse at Deesa, Simla and Ferozepore. Part I. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 14(2), 267–293 + 1 pl.

    Cameron, P. (1910) 8. Hymenoptera. 7. Fossores. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den Umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905–1906 unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjöstedt, 2(8), 197–294.

    Casal, O.H. (1962a) Mutillidae neotropicales VIII. (Hymenoptera). Sobre un nuevo género de Sphaeropthalminae. Physis, Buenos Aires, 23, 65–68.

    Casal, O.H. (1962b) Mutillidae neotropicales IX. (Hymenoptera). Un nuevo género de Sphaeropthalminae. Notas del Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 20(Zoologia 194), 63–75.

    Casal, O.H. (1962c) Mutillidae neotropicales XI. (Hymen.). Vianatilla, nuevo género de Sphaeropthalminae. Neotropica, 8, 77–78.

    Casal, O.H. (1962d) Mutillidae neotropicales XIV. (Hymenoptera). Comentarios a propósito de Huacotilla gen. nov., con la descripción de dos especies nuevas. Physis, Buenos Aires, 23, 259–265.

    Casal, O.H. (1963a [“1961”]) Mutillidae neotropicales XIII. (Hymenoptera). Un género nuevo de la fauna de Brasil. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 24, 15–18.

    Casal, O.H. (1963b) Mutillidae neotropicales XIX. (Hymenoptera). Las especies del nuevas género Lynchiatilla. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 19, 343–383.

    Casal, O.H. (1963c) Mutillidae Neotropicales XXII. (Hymenoptera). Comentarios a propósito de Leucospilomutilla Ashmead con la descripción de los caracteres genéricos del macho. Physis, Buenos Aires, 24, 149–157.

    Casal, O.H. (1964) Revisión de Limaytilla, nuevo género eremico y nocturno de Sphaeropthalmini (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 20, 81–103.

    Casal, O.H. (1965a) Tobantilla montonera, género y especie nuevos de Sphaeropthalminae (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, 25, 209–215.

    Casal, O.H. (1965b) Darditilla nuevo género neotropical de Sphaerothalminae [sic!] (Hym. Mutillidae). Eos, Revista Española de Entomología, Madrid, 41, 9–18.

    Casal, O.H. (1965c) Jamaitilla, nuevo género para Sphaeropthalma cargilli Cockerell, 1895 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Neotropica, 11(35), 77–80.

    Casal, O.H. (1968a) Aportaciones para el conocimiento de las Mutillidae de la República Argentina. I. Las hembras del género Darditilla (Hymenoptera). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 30, 83–96.

    Casal, O.H. (1968b) Aportaciones para el conocimiento de las Mutillidae de la República Argentina. II. Los machos de Ephutini Ashmead (Hymenoptera). Physis, Buenos Aires, 28(76), 77–93.

    Casal, O.H. (1968c) Comentarios sobre Reedomutilla Mickel, 1964 con la descripcion de Suareztilla gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Neotropica, 14(44), 75–80.

    Casal, O.H. (1969) La segunda especie de Tobantilla Casal, 1964 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Physis, Buenos Aires, 29(78), 101–102.

    Casal, O.H. (1970a) Chasquitilla malincha, género y especie nuevos de la Republica Argentina. (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 32, 111–113.

    Casal, O.H. (1970b) Un nuevo género de Sphaeropthalminae de la Republica Argentina (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Physis, Buenos Aires, 29, 390–392.

    Casal, O.H. (1970c) Algunas especies relacionidas con Sphinctopsis tucumana (André, 1908) (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Physis, Buenos Aires, 29(79), 385-389.

    Chen, C. (1957) A revision of the velvety ants or Mutillidae of China. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 10(3–4), 135–224 + 6 pls.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1895) Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. Entomological News, 6, 60–64.

    Costa, A. (1858–1860) Famiglia de'Mutillidei; Mutillidea. In: Fauna del Regno di Napoli ossia Enumerazione di Tutti gli Animali che abitano le Diverse Regioni di questo Regno e le Acque che le bagnano e Descrizione de' Nuovi o poco esattemente conosciuti con Figure ricevute da Originali viventi e dipinte al Naturale. Imenotteri Aculeati. Gaetano Sautto, Napoli. (1858) 1-16; (1859) 17-28 + tab. 21-24; (1860) 29-36 + tab. 25.

    Costa, A. (1885) Notizie ed osservazioni sulla geo-fauna Sarda; memoria quarta. Rendiconti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli, (1)23, 167–174.

    Costa, A. (1887) Prospetto degli Imenotteri Italiani, da servire di Prodromo Imenotterologia Italiana. Parte Seconda. Pompilidei, Dolicuridei, Scoliidei, Sapigidei, Tifiidei e Mutillidei. Accademia Reale delle Scienze, Napoli, 170 pp. + 3 pls.

    Dalla Torre, C.G. de. (1897) Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque Descriptorum Syste-maticus et Synonimicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Guilelmi Engelmann, Lipsiae [= Leipzig], [4] + i–viii + 750 pp.

    Davidson, A. (1897 [“1896”]) California bees and their parasites. Proceedings of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 1(3), 1–7.

    De Stefani, T. (1887) Un nuovo genere di Crabronidi ed altri Imenotteri nuovi o poco cogniti raccolti in Sicilia. Il Naturalista Siciliano, 6, 59–62, 85–90, 110–114, 143–147 + pl. 2.

    Dufour, L. (1852) Mélanges entomologiques. 2° Sur les deux sexes de la Mutilla arenaria. Annales de la Société Entomologique, (2)10(4) : xliv–xlv.

    Fabricius, J.C. (1793) Entomologica Systematica emendata et aucta, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species adjectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus. T. 2. Christ. Gottl. Proft, Hafniae [= Copenhagen], viii + 519 pp.

    Fabricius, J.C. (1804) Systema Piezatorum secundum Ordines, Genera, Species adjectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus. Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae [= Braunschweig], i-xiv, 15–440, 1–30 pp.

    Ferguson, W.E. (1962) Biological characteristics of the mutillid subgenus Photopsis Blake and their systematic values (Hymenoptera). University of California Publications in Entomology, 27(1), i–iv + 1–92.

    Ferguson, W.E. (1967) Male sphaeropthalmine mutillid wasps of the Nevada Test Site. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, 8(4), [4] + 1–26.

    Flores, G.E., Lagos, S.J. & Roig-Juñent, S. (2004) Artrópodos epígeos que viven bajo la copa del algarrobo (Prosopis flexuosa) en la Reserva Telteca (Mendoza, Argentina). Multequina, 13, 71–90.

    Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). (1975) Final Rapport. Rapport préparé pour le Gouvernement de la République Unie du Cameroun par l’Organisation pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture des Nations Unies agissant en Qualité d’Agence d’Exécution pour le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Developpement basé sur les Activités du Prof. Dr. Guido Nonveiller Expert en Entomologie Agricole. Rome, FAO and Nkolbisson, Université de Yaounde, École Nationale Superieure Agronomique, Laboratoire d’Entomologie. [2] + i–xii + 1–184.

    Fox, W.J. (1894a) Second report on some Hymenoptera from Lower California, Mexico. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, (2)4, 92–121.

    Fox, W.J. (1894b) A proposed classification of the fossorial Hymenoptera of North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1894, 292–307.

    Fox, W.J. (1894c) Photopsis versus Brachycistis. Entomological News, 5(9), 296–297.

    Fox, W.J. (1898) Notes on the Mutillidae of North America. Entomological News, 9, 14.

    Fox, W.J. (1899) The North American Mutillidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 25, 219–292.

    Fritz, M.A. & Martinez, A. (1975) Mutillidae neotropicales IV. (Hymenoptera). Un género y especie nuevos de Sphaeropthalminae. Physis, Buenos Aires (Sec. C), 34(89), 129–132.

    Fritz, M.A. & Martinez, A. (1993) Notas sinonímicas de Mutillidae neotropicales (Hymenoptera). Revista Chilena de Entomología, 20, 9–11.

    Fritz, M.A. & Pagliano, G. (1993) Sobre Lophomutilla Mickel y Pertyella Mickel (Hymenoptera Multillidae [sic!]). Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova, 124(3), 209–220.

    Garcia, E.Q., Cambra, R. & Melo, G.A.R. (2006) Sexual associations for two species of mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae), with the description of a new species of Anomophotopsis. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 50(3), 379-384.

    Gerstaecker, A. (1874) Mutillarum Americae meridionalis indigenarum synopsis systematica et synonymica. Archiv fьr Naturgeschichte, 40, 41-77, 299-328.

    Gistel, J. 1848. Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs für höhere Schulen. Hoffmann, Stuttgart. Vol. 9, xvi + 216 pp. + 32 pls. [Mutilla africana described on p.191].

    Hammer, K. (1955) Contributions à l’étude de la faune entomologique du Ruanda-Urundi (Mission P. Basilewsky 1953). 76. Hymenoptera Mutillidae. Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge, Tervuren, (Série in 8º) Sciences Zoologiques, 40, 397–403.

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    International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). (1939) Opinion 135. The suppression of the so-called “Erlangen List” of 1801. Opinions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 2, 7–12.

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    Lelej, A.S. (1977b) A new genus and species of the mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) from Turkmenia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 56(1), 195–197. (In Russian). (English translation: (1978) Entomological Review, 56(1), 146–147).

    Lelej, A.S. (1978) Superfamily Mutilloidea. In: Tobias, V.I. (Ed.), Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR. Nauka, Leningrad, 3(1), pp. 71–84. (In Russian).

    Lelej, A.S. (1979) A new genus of velvet ants (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) from south-east Asia. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 58(7), 1065–1067. (In Russian).

    Lelej, A.S. (1980) The genus Pseudophotopsis André, 1896 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) from the USSR and neighbouring countries. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 59(3), 634–649. (In Russian). (English translation: (1982) Entomological Review, 59(3), 112–126).

    Lelej, A.S. (1981) Velvet ants of the subfamilies Kudakrumiinae and Myrmosinae (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 60(3), 371–379. (In Russian).

    Lelej, A.S. (1983) On the velvet ants (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) of Australia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 62(3), 612–619. (In Russian). (English translation: (1984d) Entomological Review, 62(3), 152-160).

    Lelej, A.S. (1984a) New Palaearctic genera and species of velvet ants (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 63(4), 826–829. (In Russian). (English translation: (1985a) Entomological Review, 64(1), 101–104).

    Lelej, A.S. (1984b) A new genus of wasps (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae, Myrmosinae) with Indo-Malayan-North-African range. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 63(9), 1432–1433. (In Russian).

    Lelej, A.S. (1984c) New and little-known species of velvet ants of the genus Smicromyrme Thomson (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). In: Savtshenko, E.N. (Ed.), Taxonomy and Zoogeography of Insects. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, pp. 79-89. (In Russian).

    Lelej, A.S. (1985b) Osy-nemki (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) Fauny SSSR i Sopredelnykh Stran [The Velvet Ants (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) of the USSR and Neighbouring Countries]. Nauka, Leningrad, 268 pp. (In Russian). (German translation of key to genera: see Standfuss, 2002).

    Lelej, A.S. (1986) Males of the genus Protomutilla (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) from Baltic amber. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal, 4, 104–106. (In Russian). (English translation: (1987) Paleontological Journal, 1986(4), 93–96).

    Lelej, A.S. (1992) Two interesting species of velvet ants from China (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Entomofauna, 13(19), 281–288.

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    Lelej, A.S. (1995b) To the knowledge of East Asian species of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) with description of four new genera and eight new species. Far Eastern Entomologist, 13, 1–28.

    Lelej, A.S. (1996a) A review of the East Asian species of Orientilla (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). In: Norden B.B. & Menke A.S. (Eds), Contributions on Hymenoptera and Associated Insects dedicated to Karl V. Krombein. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, 17, 103–107.

    Lelej, A.S. (1996b) To the knowledge of the East Asian species of the tribe Trogaspidiini Bischoff, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) with description of eight new genera and two new species. Far Eastern Entomologist, 30, 1–24.

    Lelej, A.S. (1996c) Mutillid wasps collected in Malaysia and Indonesia by Dr. Sk. Yamane (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Tropics, 6(1/2), 91–104.

    Lelej, A.S. (2002) Catalogue of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of the Palaearctic Region. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 1–172.

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    Nagy, C.G. (1972) Ord. Hymenoptera — Superfam. Heterogynoidea (l’entomofaune du “grind” de Caraorman, delta du Danube). Travaux du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, 12, 159–165.

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    Nonveiller, G. (1959) Das Männchen von Ctenotilla pectinifera And. nebst neuen Angaben über die Verbreitung dieser Art. (Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mutilliden Jugoslaviens und der angrenzenden Länder). Fragmenta Balcanica, 2(21), 173–180.

    Nonveiller, G. (1973a) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). I. Contribution à la connaisance du genre Trispilotilla Bischoff 1920 %&. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences du Cameroun, 13, 77–134.

    Nonveiller, G. (1973b) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). II. Carinotilla gen. nov. (%, &). Annales de la Faculté des Sciences du Cameroun, 14, 47–102.

    Nonveiller, G. (1973c) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). III. Remarques concernant le genre Nanomutilla André, 1899 (&). Annales de la Faculté des Sciences du Cameroun, 15–16, 63–74.

    Nonveiller, G. (1974) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). V. Description du mâle encore inconnu de Pseudophotopsis continua F. seul représentant du genre en Afrique occidentale. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences du Cameroun, 18, 95–108.

    Nonveiller, G. (1975) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l’Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). VI. Les espèces actuellement connues du genre Clinotilla Arnold 1956 &&. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Yaoundé, 19, 101–130.

    Nonveiller, G. (1977) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). VII. Dentotilla gen. nov. (%, &). Beiträge zur Entomologie, Berlin, 27(2), 245–300.

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    Nonveiller, G. (1980a) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). X. Bref aperçu des résultats des recherches sur la faune des Mutillides du Cameroun, effectuées au cours de la période de 1962–1975. Memoires publies par l'Institut pour la Protection des Plantes, Beograd, 14, 11–68.

    Nonveiller, G. (1980b) Recherches sur les Mutillides de l'Afrique (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). XI. Révision des mâles du genre Trogaspidia Ashmead, 1899 (&, %) apparentés ou semblables a medon (Smith) 1855 (%) avec la description du sous-genre nouveau Tuberocoxotilla (% %). Memoires publies par l'Institut pour la Protection des Plantes, Beograd, 14, 69–108.

    Nonveiller, G. (1990) Catalogue of the Mutillidae, Myrmosidae and Bradynobaenidae of the Neotropical Region including Mexico (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Hymenopterorum Catalogus (Nova Editio), 18. Den Haag, SPB Academic Publishing. 1–150.

    Nonveiller, G. (1993) Studies on African Mutillidae. XIV. Ctenoceraea, a new genus with pectinate antennae and description of the type-species C. pectinella sp. n. (Hymenoptera). Revue Française d'Entomologie (N.S.), 15(1), 15–18.

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