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Type: Article
Published: 2024-06-25
Page range: 59-67
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A new species of Pontocrates Boeck, 1871 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Oedicerotidae) from Cyprus

Freelance-Benthic Macrofauna External Analyst; 48918646-S; Málaga; Spain
School of Biological; Earth and Environmental Sciences; University College Cork; Cork Enterprise Centre; Distillery Fields; North Mall; Cork; Ireland
School of Biological Sciences; University of Aberdeen; Cruickshank Building; St Machar Drive; Aberdeen AB24 3UU; Scotland; UK
School of Biological Sciences; University of Aberdeen; Cruickshank Building; St Machar Drive; Aberdeen AB24 3UU; Scotland; UK
Center of Marine Sciences; Universidade do Algarve; Faro; 8005-139 Portugal
Enalia Physis Environmental Research Center; Acropoleos 2; CY-2101Aglantzia; Cyprus
Enalia Physis Environmental Research Center; Acropoleos 2; CY-2101Aglantzia; Cyprus
School of Biological Sciences; University of Aberdeen; Cruickshank Building; St Machar Drive; Aberdeen AB24 3UU; Scotland; UK
Faculty Technology; Policy; and Management; Delft University of Technology; Jaffalaan 5; 2628 BX Delft;The Netherlands
School of Biological Sciences; University of Aberdeen; Cruickshank Building; St Machar Drive; Aberdeen AB24 3UU; Scotland; UK; Marine Biodiscovery Centre; Department of Chemistry; University of Aberdeen; Aberdeen AB24 3UE; Scotland; UK; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; San Diego State University; CA; 92182-1030; USA
Crustacea Amphipoda oedicerotidae Pontocrates marmario new species Cyprus Mediterranean


A new species of the amphipod genus Pontocrates (Boeck 1871), family Oedicerotidae, is described from Cyprus in the south-eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is a sister taxon to Pontocrates moorei (Myers & Ashelby 2022), currently recorded solely from the British Isles. It is the third species of Pontocrates now known to occur in the Mediterranean Sea.



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  2. Boeck, A. (1860) Bemserkninger angaaende de ved de norske Kyster forekommende Amphipoder. Forhandlinger ved de Skandinaviske Naturforskeres, Kobenhavn, 8–14 Juli, 1860, 631–676. [N.B. This edition of the Forhandlinger is printed with the date 1861, however, the edition in the Oslo Museum archives, where Boeck worked, has a handwritten note: 1860, so that date is accepted here as the official publication year]
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  8. Myers, A.A & Ashelby, C.W. (2022) A revision of the genus Pontocrates Boeck, 1871 (Amphipoda, Oedicerotidae) with a description of P. moorei sp. nov. and the re-establishment of P. norwegicus (Boeck, 1860). Zootaxa, 5115 (4), 582–598.
  9. Sars, G.O. (1895) n.k. In: An account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Parts 31/32 Appendix. Cammermeyers, Christiania and Copenhagen, pp. 673–711, supplement pls. 1–8.
  10. Spence Bate, C.S. (1858) On some new genera and species of Crustacea Amphipoda. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 1, 361–362.
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