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Type: Article
Published: 2024-06-26
Page range: 127-138
Abstract views: 311
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A new species of Rhadinoloricaria (Siluriformes: Loricariinae) from Colombia

Centro MBUCV; Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical; Facultad de Ciencias; UCV; Caracas; Venezuela
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias (MVZ); Universidad de la Amazonia; Florencia; Caquetá; Colombia
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas (Biología); Universidad de la Amazonia; Florencia; Caquetá; Colombia
Grupo de Investigación en Peces Neotropicales; Fundación FUNINDES Colombia; Cali; Colombia
Pisces Amazon River basin Caquetá River Freshwater fishes South America Systematic Taxonomy


During 2009, photos of three specimens in poor conditions from the Caquetá River system in Colombia generated suspicions about the existence of a new species of Rhadinoloricaria. In 2022, additional specimens were obtained from the same aquatic system allowing confirm the new species presence. The new species has a projected, spatula-shaped snout, and a pattern of buccal ornamentation similar to that observed in R. macromystax (Günther 1869) and R. stewarti Provenzano & Barriga 2020. The new species is distinguished from similar Rhadinoloricaria by the pattern of plates covering the abdomen and some morphometric proportions. When comparative analyses were performed among these three species, paratype lot of R. stewarti MEPN-I 14710 with three specimens was found to be identical to the new species herein described; therefore this paratype is re-identified. The presence of the new species of Rhadinoloricaria in Colombia expands the northern limit of its geographical distribution.



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