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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-04
Page range: 267-297
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Integrative taxonomy study of brackish water crabs of the genus Ptychognathus Stimpson, 1858 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Varunidae) from Polynesia, with description of two new species

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; UMR BOREA; CP026; 57; rue Cuvier; F-75231 Paris; Cedex 05; France
Ichtyo-Pacific; Virgile Mazel BP381816 Punavai; 98718 Punaauia; Tahiti; Polynésie française
96 rue de Richelieu; 75002; Paris
Ecole Navale; CC 600; Lanvéoc; F-29240 Brest; France
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; UMR BOREA; CP026; 57; rue Cuvier; F-75231 Paris; Cedex 05; France
Crustacea genetic morphology DNA COI 16S


In the present contribution, five species of Ptychognathus Stimpson, 1858 are reported from Polynesia: P. crassimanus Finnegan, 1931, P. easteranus Rathbun, 1907, P. riedelii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1868) and two new species. The first new species named P. ngankeeae sp. nov. is close to P. barbatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1873) from New Caledonia, which is here redescribed for comparison purposes. The second new species named P. similis sp. nov. is close to P. hachijoensis Sakai, 1955.



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