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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-05
Page range: 66-72
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New data on the systematics and distribution of snout moths of the genus Evergestis Hübner, [1825] in Kyrgyzstan (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Russian Entomological Society; Nizhny Novgorod Branch; P.O. Box 97; Nizhny Novgorod 603009; Russia
Institute of plant and animal ecology; Ural Division RAS; 8 Marta Str. 202/3; Ekaterinburg 620144 Russia
National Medical Research Center of Phtisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; 22 Partsyezda Str. 50; Ekaterinburg 620039 Russia
Lepidoptera new species new records snout moths range taxonomy


New data about distribution and systematics of snout moths of the genus Evergestis in Kyrgyzstan are presented. Evergestis radagastalis sp. n. is described, with the type locality: “Kyrgyzstan, Moldo-Too Mts., 7 km E of Kyzyl-Korgon, 41°43'43.08"N, 74°16'38.54"E, 1491 m”. It differs from the closely related species E. caesialis (Herrich-Schäffer, [1849]) and E. impervialis Sinev & Korb, 2021 by the wing pattern and genitalia structures. Evergestis grummi (Christoph, 1885) is recorded from Kyrgyzstan for the first time, Evergestis sorhageni (Sauber, 1899) is recorded for the first time from the Alai region, and Evergestis frumentalis (Linnaeus, 1761) is recorded for the first time from West Tian-Shan.



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