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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-08
Page range: 136-146
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First record of Mimogonus fumator (Fauvel, 1889) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae) in the USA, with a synopsis of the Osoriinae of the Southeastern USA

University of Central Florida; Department of Biology; 4110 Libra Dr.; Orlando; FL 32816-2368 USA
University of Central Florida Collection of Arthropods; University of Central Florida Department of Biology; 4110 Libra Dr.; Orlando; FL 32816-2368 USA
Institute for Ecosystem Research; University of Kiel; Dept. Applied Ecology Olshausenstrasse 40; Kiel; 24098 Germany
University of Central Florida; Department of Biology; 4110 Libra Dr.; Orlando; FL 32816-2368 USA
Coleoptera Osoriini rove beetle exotic urban ecology


The discovery of Mimogonus fumator (Fauvel, 1889) in a suburban area in Central Florida marks the first record of this pantropical species in the United States of America. This finding emphasizes the critical significance of insect monitoring in urban environments, as it unveils the potential for detecting non-native and potentially invasive species accidentally transported through soil and ornamental plants. A taxonomic key and distributional checklist for the known species of the subfamily Osoriinae in the Southeastern United States are also provided. These resources aim to enhance our understanding of the regional insect fauna and provide useful tools for future detection.



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