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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-08
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A review of Malipatilius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae), with a checklist of Lygaeoidea occurring in the Papuan Subregion

Department of Conservation Biology; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Georgikon Campus; str. Deák F. 16; Keszthely; H-8360 Hungary
Department of Conservation Biology; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Georgikon Campus; str. Deák F. 16; Keszthely; H-8360 Hungary
Festetics Doctoral School; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Georgikon Campus; str. Deák F. 16; Keszthely; H-8360 Hungary; Rippl-Rónai Museum; str. Fő 10; Kaposvár; H-7400 Hungary
Hemiptera Pentatomomorpha lygaeoidea drymini Australian Region Papuan Subregion New Guinea faunistics taxonomy checklist seed bugs new species key to species


The genus Malipatilius Kondorosy, 2013 is redescribed, 8 new species are described (M. batantensis sp. nov., M. bodisjuditae sp. nov., M. horvathi sp. nov., M. macrops sp. nov., M. microps sp. nov., M. minutus sp. nov., M. pilosus sp. nov. and M. szentivanyi sp. nov.) (the authorship is Kondorosy & Schmidt for all species) from the Papuan Subregion. The genus is compared with other genera of Drymini (Rhyparochromidae: Rhyparochrominae) and its species are keyed. Malipatilius forticornis (Gross, 1965) is recorded for the first time from New South Wales (Australia). A checklist of the Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the Papuan Subregion (New Guinea with surrounding islands) is given, totalling 215 species, 155 of which are endemic, compared with 53 species of Pyrrhocoroidea and 184 species of Coreoidea from this Subregion.



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