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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-15
Page range: 30-42
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Redescriptions of two Lestidiops species (Aulopiformes: Paralepididae) from Japan, with comments on their morphology

Department and Graduate Institute of Aquaculture; National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology; Kaohsiung; Taiwan; Institute of Marine Biology; National Dong Hwa University; Pingtung; Taiwan; Australian Museum; Sydney; Australia
Department of Fisheries Technology and Management; National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology; Kaohsiung; Taiwan
Pisces Taxonomy Ichthyology biodiversity distribution


Specimens of two barracudina species, Lestidiops sphyraenopsis Hubbs and Lestidiops ringens (Jordan & Gilbert), collected from Japan, were examined. Both species were originally described from the northeastern Pacific and are widespread in both sides of northern Pacific Ocean. Diagnoses, detailed descriptions, and complete morphological data for both species are provided. These two species exhibit several distinct features that differ from those of their congeners, and their morphological characteristics are discussed.



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