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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-17
Page range: 326-340
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Description of Neosilphitrombium rhipicephalum sp. nov. (Prostigmata: Neothrombiidae) ectoparasite on hard ticks from Iran

Department of Plant Protection; College of Agriculture; University of Zabol; Zabol; Iran
Department of Plant Protection; Faculty of Agriculture; University of Birjand; Birjand; Iran
Department of Plant Protection; College of Agriculture; University of Zabol; Zabol; Iran
Department of Plant Protection; College of Agriculture; University of Zabol; Zabol; Iran
Acari Generic diagnosis Ixodidae larva N. gratum N. tenebrionidum Rhipicephalus sanguineus sweep net


An undescribed larva belonging to the family Neothrombiidae was found ectoparasitic on a Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) by Kohansal et al. (2021). The larva was collected by a sweep net from herbaceous plants in Doroh village, Sarbisheh county, South Khorasan province, Iran. Neosilphitrombium rhipicephalum Noei and Kohansal sp. nov. (Acari: Trombidiformes: Neothrombiidae) is described and illustrated. The generic diagnosis of the genus Neosilphitrombium and key to world genera of Neothrombiidae are amended. Also, an updated key to species of Neosilphitrombium of the world (larva) is presented.



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