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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-17
Page range: 373-383
Abstract views: 190
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New data on distribution of Phoenicurusia transcaucasicus (Miller, 1923) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) with description of a new subspecies from Iran

Department of Entomology; Faculty of Biology; Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leninskie gory 1–12; Moscow; 119192; Russia; Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution; Russian Academy of Sciences; Leninsky pr. 33; Moscow; 119071; Russia
National Natural History Museum & Genetic Resources; Tehran; Iran
Frühlingstrasse 1; 63853 Mömlingen; Germany
Department of Karyosystematics; Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Science; Universitetskaya nab. 1; 199034 St. Petersburg; Russia
Department of Biology; University of Padova; Padova; Italy
Lepidoptera barcoding biogeography coppers genitalia Lycaeninae phylogeography


Distribution of Phoenicurusia transcaucasicus (Miller, 1923) in Iran and neighbouring territories is clarified based on analysis of DNA barcodes, the male genitalia and wing pattern of adults. Our study revealed the widespread distribution of Ph. transcaucasicus throughout northern, northeastern and central Iran. Based on integrative analysis, a new subspecies, Ph. transcaucasicus flamma ssp. n., is described from the Zagros Mountains, the Central Iranian Range and the Alborz Mountains. Compared to the nominotypical subspecies, the new subspecies differs in well-developed orange pattern both of dorsal and ventral sides of the wings, shape of the valva in the male genitalia and distinct COI haplotypes. Additionally, distinct phylogenetic lineage of Ph. transcaucasicus is reported from Kerman Province. Diagnostic characters of the species of Ph. phoenicurus (Lederer, 1870) group of Iran are illustrated.



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