Ecsenius caeruliventris is described from the Banggai and Togean islands, closely adjacent to the mid-NE coast of Sulawesi. Ecsenius shirleyae is described from various islands situated between 106 02 E and 05 08 S. Both species are members of the Prooculis species group of Ecsenius, which now comprises eight species and which are differentiated from each other solely on the basis of color patterns. All of the species are distributed allopatrically except for E. bimaculatus, which, in the southern part of its range, occurs sympatrically with E. caeruliventris and, probably, E. shirleyae. New distributional records are provided for several species of Ecsenius.References
Allen, G.R. & Adrim, M. (2003) Coral-reef fishes of Indonesia. Zoological Studies, 42(1), 1–72.
Kuiter, R.H. & Tonozuka, T. (2001) Pictorial Guide to Indonesian Reef Fishes. Zoonetics, Seaford, Victoria, Australia, 893 pp. Second edition, 2004, PT Dive & Dive’s, Bali, Indonesia, same pagination.
Myers, R.F. (1999) Micronesian Reef Fishes, 3rd edition. Coral Graphics, Guam, 330 pp., 132 pls.
Springer, V.G. (1988) The Indo-Pacific blenniid fish genus Ecsenius. Smithsonian Contribtions to Zoology, 465, 1–134, 14 pls.
Springer, V.G. (1991) Ecsenius randalli, a new species of blenniid fish from Indonesia, with notes on other species of Ecsenius. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 39(12), 100–113.
Springer, V.G. (2002) Ecsenius niue, new species of blenniid fish, and new distribution records for other species in the Opsifrontalis species group. Zootaxa, 72, 1–6.
Springer, V.G. & Allen, G.R. (2001) Ecsenius ops, from Indonesia, and E. tricolor, from western Philippines and northwestern Kalimantan, new species of blenniid fishes in the Stigmatura species group. Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology, 4(4), 151–160.
Springer, V.G. & Randall, J.E. (1999) Ecsenius polystictus, new species of blenniid fish from Mentawai Islands, Indonesia, with notes on other species of Ecsenius. Revue français d’Aquariologie, 26(1–2), 39–48.