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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-19
Page range: 582-590
Abstract views: 157
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Discovery of the genus Maikona Matsumura, 1928 (Noctuidae: Agaristinae) from India with the description of a new species

Centre ALGATECH; Institute of Microbiology AV ČR; Novohradská 237; Opatovický mlýn; 379 01 Třeboň; Czech Republic
Institute of Entomology; Biology Centre; AV ČR; Branisovská 1160/31 CZ-37005; České Budějovice; Czech Republic
Lepidoptera Arunachal Pradesh East Asia new record northeast India taxonomy


The genus Maikona Matsumura, 1928 is reported for the first time from India with the description of a new species, Maikona mayodiana n. sp., from the Mayodia pass, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The diagnoses of the new species with similar congeners along with illustrations of its habitus, and genitalia are provided. A distributional map of the members of the genus is also provided.



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