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Type: Monograph
Published: 2024-07-22
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The Neotropical Orthonevra Macquart, 1829 (Diptera: Syrphidae)

National Collection of Insects; Arachnids and Nematodes; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; 960 Carling Ave.; Ottawa; ON; K1A 0C6; Canada / Forrest Lab; Department of Biology; University of Ottawa; Gendron Hall; room 350; 30 Marie Curie; Ottawa; ON; K1N 6N5; Canada
Laboratório de Sistemática de Diptera; Coordenação de Biodiversidade; Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia; Avenida André Araújo; 2936; Bairro Petrópolis; Manaus; AM; 69.067-375; Brazil
Diptera Eristalinae flower flies identification key new species pictorial key systematics


The Neotropical species of the flower fly genus Orthonevra (Diptera: Syrphidae) are revised and 12 new species are described and illustrated: Orthonevra batman sp. nov., O. cthulhu sp. nov., O. gli sp. nov., O. gouletmasnerorum sp. nov., O. hypnotica sp. nov., O. minuosetulata sp. nov., O. nebulosa sp. nov., O. neiae sp. nov., O. roseae sp. nov., O. sternolobosa sp. nov., O. theta sp. nov., and O. thompsoni sp. nov. In addition, seven species are redescribed and illustrated: O. argentina (Brèthes, 1922), O. chilensis Thompson, 1999, O. flukei (Sedman, 1964), O. gewgaw (Hull, 1941), O. neotropica (Shannon, 1925), O. quadristriata (Shannon & Aubertin, 1933) and O. shannoni (Curran, 1926), and three Nearctic (one extending into the Neotropical region) species are diagnosed: O. bellula (Williston, 1882), O. nitida (Wiedemman, 1830) and O. nitidula (Curran, 1925) (for a total of 20 species with Neotropical distribution). Lectotypes are designated for two species, Chrysogater bellulus Williston and C. nitidus Wiedemann, and C. lugubris Jaennicke (1867) is removed from Orthonevra and left incertae sedis. A dichotomous and an interactive pictorial key to these species are also presented.



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