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Type: Editorial
Published: 2024-07-23
Page range: 5-6
Abstract views: 90
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Preface to “Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part VIII)”

Manaaki Whenua—Landcare Research; 231 Morrin Road; Auckland; New Zealand; Centre for Biodiversity & Biosecurity; School of Biological Sciences; University of Auckland; Auckland; New Zealand
Acari Ontogeny and morphological diversity immature mites Part VIII Preface


  1. Fuangarworn, M., Zhang, Z.-Q. & Katlav, A. (Eds) (2021) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part V). Zootaxa, 5086 (1), 1–173.
  2. Ermilov, S.G. (2024a) Ontogenetic instars of the oribatid mite Eupterotegaeus nortoni sp. nov. (Acari, Oribatida, Cepheidae) from U.S.A. Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 49–61.
  3. Ermilov, S.G. (2024b) Description of juvenile instars of Scapheremaeus tonatiuh Palacios-Vargas, Ríos & Vázquez, 1998 (Acari, Oribatida, Cymbaeremaeidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 62–72.
  4. Ermilov, S.G. & Bayartogtokh, B. (2024) Contribution to the knowledge of the oribatid mite genus Oribatodes (Acari, Oribatida, Cepheusidae), with supplementary descriptions of two species and data on juvenile instars. Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 73–91.
  5. Ermilov, S.G. & Lindquist, E.E. (2024) Ontogenetic instars of Basilobelba werneri Mahunka, 1982 (Acari, Oribatida, Basilobelbidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 92–105.
  6. Ermilov, S.G. & Salavatulin, V.M. (2024) Juvenile instars of Sellnickia caudata (Michael, 1908) (Acari, Oribatida, Sellnickiidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 38–48.
  7. He, H.-D., Jin, D.-C., Ochoa, R. & Yi, T.-C. (2024) A new species of Ultratenuipalpus and redescription of Ultratenuipalpus hainanensis (Wang) (Acari, Tenuipalpidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 201–225.
  8. Ma, M., Zhang, K., Fan, Q.-H. & Zhang, Z.-Q. (2024) Description of ontogenetic changes in the morphology of Amblyseius herbicolus (Chant, 1959) and Amblyseius lentiginosus Denmark & Schicha, 1974 (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 7–37.
  9. Nascimento, R.S., Castro, E.B., Tassi, A.D., Mineiro, J.L.C., Carrillo, D., Ochoa, R. & Oliveira, A.R. (2024) The flat mite Tenuipalpus uvae De Leon (Acari: Tenuipalpidae): descriptions of all stages, ontogeny of setae and morphometric analysis. Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 178–200.
  10. Seniczak, S., Ivan, O. & Seniczak, A. (2024a) Morphological ontogeny of Oribatula pannonica (Acari, Oribatida, Oribatulidae), and comments on some species of Oribatula Berlese. Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 106–129.
  11. Seniczak, S., Seniczak, A. & Mistrzak, M. (2024b) Morphological ontogeny of Melanozetes meridianus (Acari, Oribatida, Ceratozetidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 155–177.
  12. Seniczak, S. & Seniczak, A. (2024) Morphological ontogeny of Conoppia palmicincta (Acari, Oribatida, Cepheusidae). Zootaxa, 5485 (1), 130–154.
  13. Zhang, Z.Q. (2018) Accelerating studies on the ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites. Zootaxa, 4540 (1), 5–6.
  14. Zhang, Z.-Q. & Fuangarworn, M. (2022) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part VI). Zootaxa, 5187 (1), 1–290.
  15. Zhang, Z.-Q., Fuangarworn, M., Fan, Q.-H. & Yi, T.-C. (Eds) (2020a) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part IV). Zootaxa, 4900 (1), 1–200.
  16. Zhang, Z.-Q., Fuangarworn, M. & Seeman, O.D. (Eds) (2020b) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part III). Zootaxa, 4857 (1), 1–250.
  17. Zhang, Z.-Q., Fuangarworn, M., Seeman, O. & Mironov, S. (Eds) (2019) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part II). Zootaxa, 4717 (1), 1–230.
  18. Zhang, Z.-Q., Fuangarworn, M. & Yi, T.-C. (Eds) (2023) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part VII). Zootaxa, 5324(1), 1–226.
  19. Zhang, Z.-Q., Seeman, O., Fuangarworn, M. & Fan, Q.-H. (Eds) (2018) Ontogeny and morphological diversity in immature mites (Part I). Zootaxa, 4540 (1), 1–224.