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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-26
Page range: 419-434
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Revision of Vitruvius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with the description of a new species from Cambodia and Thailand

Laboratory of Systematic Entomology; Department of Applied Biology; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Korea; IRBio. Institut de Recerca a la Biodiversitat; Universitat de Barcelona; Barcelona; Spain; Evolution & Ecology Research Centre; School of Biological; Earth and Environmental Sciences; University of New South Wales; Sydney; Australia
Department of Entomology; North Dakota State University; Fargo; North Dakota; USA
Department of Entomology; National Museum of the Czech Republic; Cirkusová 1740; CZ-193 00 Praha 9—Horní Počernice; Czech Republic
Laboratory of Systematic Entomology; Department of Applied Biology; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Korea; Department of Smart Agriculture Systems; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Korea
Hemiptera oriental region Pentatomoidea Pentatomidae Stink bugs taxonomy


The monotypic Oriental genus Vitruvius Distant, 1901 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae), having an intricate and confusing taxonomic history, is revised. A new species, Vitruvius dobby Roca-Cusachs, Rider & Kment new species, is described from Cambodia and Thailand. Notes on the hypothesized classification of the genus based on both biology and morphology are presented, but its systematic placement is left unresolved. The morphological characteristics of the genus are redescribed. Habitus photographs of the type specimen of V. insignis Distant, 1901 and its labels, and photographs of both the species are provided.



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