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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-31
Page range: 107-124
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Further study of the genus Mycterothrips Trybom (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Japan, with description of a new species and a new record

Laboratory of Entomology; Tokyo University of Agriculture; 1737 Funako; Atsugi; Kanagawa 243–0034; Japan
Laboratory of Entomology; Tokyo University of Agriculture; 1737 Funako; Atsugi; Kanagawa 243–0034; Japan
Thysanoptera Albizia julibrissin Megalurothrips genus-group Trichromothrips genus group second instar larva host plant


Mycterothrips albiziae sp. n. is described from Albizia julibrissin in Japan. Mycterothrips auratus is newly recorded from Japan and redescribed, second instar larvae of M. fasciatus and M. japonicus are described for the first time. Host plants and character states variation of some Japanese species of Mycterothrips, an identification key to the Japanese species, and a list of world Mycterothrips species is also provided.



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