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Type: Article
Published: 2024-07-31
Page range: 144-152
Abstract views: 123
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Morphology of Neoheegeria dalmatica Schmutz, 1909 (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) larvae—their diagnostic characteristics

Department of Zoology and Nature Protection; Maria Curie-Skłodowska University; Akademicka 19; 20-033 Lublin; Poland
Department of Zoology and Nature Protection; Maria Curie-Skłodowska University; Akademicka 19; 20-033 Lublin; Poland
Department of Zoology and Nature Protection; Maria Curie-Skłodowska University; Akademicka 19; 20-033 Lublin; Poland
Thysanoptera preimaginal stages cuticular structure chaetotaxy metric characteristics host plants


This paper presents morphological description and images of the larval instars of Neoheegeria dalmatica as well as observations on its life cycle and relationships with host plants in a temperate climate. It also compares characteristics of the second larval instar with those of Haplothrips verbasci, i.e. a species previously placed in the genus Neoheegeria. The main characteristic that differentiates the larvae of both species is, among others, the sculpture of their cuticle, which is smooth in H. verbasci and covered by dense microtrichia in N. dalmatica.



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