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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-19
Page range: 151-171
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A new genus of the tribe Blondeliini (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae) from the Oriental Region with morphological and molecular evidence

Biosystematics Laboratory; Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies; Kyushu University; 744 Motooka; Fukuoka City 819–0395; JAPAN
Biosystematics Laboratory; Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies; Kyushu University; 744 Motooka; Fukuoka City 819–0395; JAPAN
Diptera male postabdomen molecular phylogeny new combination new species ovipositor


In this study a new genus of the tribe Blondeliini, Shimamyia, is established. In this genus, Shimamyia exigua comb. nov., S. orientalis comb. nov., S. taiwanensis sp. nov., and S. vietnamensis sp. nov. are described and the key to species is provided. Shimamyia exigua and S. orientalis were initially identified as members of Medinodexia Townsend but were thought to belong to an undescribed genus based on external morphology and male and female postabdomens. The present study provides comprehensive descriptions of the four species. The phylogenetic tree reconstructed from 27 blondeliine species (including two from Shimamyia) and 6 outgroup using 16S, 28S, white, and CAD genes is also provided to discuss the placement of Shimamyia. Morphological and molecular evidence support the differentiation of Shimamyia from Medinodexia while confirming its inclusion in Blondeliini. Additionally, the modified female postabdomens of the new genus and other Blondeliini members are briefly discussed.



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