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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-19
Page range: 172-190
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The genus Ommatidiotus Spinola (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Caliscelidae) from the Korean Peninsula and neighboring countries

Laboratory of Systematic Entomology; Department of Applied Biology; College of Agriculture & Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Republic of Korea; Department of Smart Agriculture Systems; College of Agriculture & Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Republic of Korea
Laboratory of Systematic Entomology; Department of Applied Biology; College of Agriculture & Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Republic of Korea; Department of Smart Agriculture Systems; College of Agriculture & Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Republic of Korea
Hemiptera Fulgoroidea Fulgoromorpha Korea Ommatidiotinae Ommatidiotini planthopper


A total of four species of the caliscelid genus Ommatidiotus Spinola (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Caliscelidae) are reviewed from the Korean Peninsula and neighboring countries, based on specimens housed in Hokkaido University, Japan. The Transpalearctic species O. dissimilis (Fallén) is recorded from the Korean Peninsula for the first time, and the distributions of O. karafutonis stat. rev. and O. nigritus are discussed. We also provided photographs of the type specimens and redescriptions, and a key to the genus Ommatidiotus species from Northeast Asia.



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