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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-20
Page range: 343-369
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An update on the genus Sparianthis Simon, 1880 (Sparassidae: Sparianthinae)

Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad del Caribe Colombiano; Semillero de Investigación Sistemática de Artrópodos Neotropicales; Departamento de Biología; Universidad del Atlántico; Barranquilla; Colombia
Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas; Instituto Butantan; Av. Vital Brasil; 1500; 05503-900; São Paulo; SP; Brazil
Araneae Huntsman spiders identification key Neotropical region new records new species taxonomy


Seven new species of the genus Sparianthis Simon, 1880 are described and illustrated: S. chicaque spec. nov. (♂♀), S. iguaque spec. nov. (), S. medina spec. nov. (♂♀) and S. tuparro spec. nov. (♂♀) from Colombia, and S. boibumba spec. nov. (♂), S. cascalheira spec. nov. (♂) and S. matupiri spec. nov. (♂) from Brazil. The female of S. megalopalpa (Caporiacco, 1954) is newly described and new distribution records are provided for S. caracarai Rheims, 2020, S. chickeringi (Gertsch, 1941), S. megalopalpa and S. ravida (Simon, 1898). The identification key is updated and new distribution maps are provided for all known species of the genus.



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