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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-20
Page range: 417-428
Abstract views: 249
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Filling a geographic gap: a new species of genus Lacronia Strand, 1942 (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae) from southern Brazil

Departamento de Invertebrados; Museu Nacional; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Quinta da Boa Vista; São Cristóvão; 20.940-040; Rio de Janeiro - RJ - BRAZIL
Departamento de Invertebrados; Museu Nacional; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Quinta da Boa Vista; São Cristóvão; 20.940-040; Rio de Janeiro - RJ - BRAZIL
Opiliones Paraná State harvestmen Pachylinae taxonomy geographic distribution species description


Despite the significant amount of systematic research on Gonyleptidae since its original description almost 200 years ago by Sundevall in 1833, there are still unresolved phylogenetic relationships that require further investigation. Current knowledge of the unranked clade DRMN (Gonyleptidae), consisting of Discocyrtus Holmberg, 1878 sensu stricto, Roeweriinae Carvalho & Kury, 2018, Mitobatinae Simon, 1879 and Neopachylinae Carvalho & Kury, 2020, has been advancing at strides. Recently, the genus Lacronia Strand, 1942, with species occurring along the south and southeastern Brazilian coast, underwent revision, resulting in keys and diagnoses for its species. In this article we describe Lacronia utaru sp. nov., a new species from Paraná State, which fills the supposed gap between previously discontinuous known occurrences of the genus. This new species is morphologically closer to the ‘not areolated Lacronia’ internal clade, especially to the type species Lacronia serripes (Mello-Leitão, 1923). Differences between L. serripes and L. utaru sp. nov. about the pattern of light-colored tubercles on the dorsal scutum are pointed out. Additionally, we present new records for two other species of Lacronia.



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